Elijah Smith

Male White

Blonde Blue 25lbs 2'6"

n/a n/a n/a Toddler 5


TAKES DIRECTION WELL, VERY HAPPY BABY, LOVES THE CAMERA, Early walker - started walking at 10 months! Walks confidently!, Cruising on furniture and pulling himself up, Crawling, Waves, points and claps, Very active and very playful, Says "mama" and "dada", Great in jumper, carrier and stroller, Loves swimming and bath time

Other Special Skills

TAKES DIRECTION WELL, VERY HAPPY BABY, LOVES THE CAMERA, Early walker - started walking at 10 months! Walks confidently!, Cruising on furniture and pulling himself up, Crawling, Waves, points and claps, Very active and very playful, Says "mama" and "dada", Great in jumper, carrier and stroller, Loves swimming and bath time 

Special Skills