Style |
Action (Intermediate), Comedy (Advanced), Crime (Intermediate), Drama (Intermediate), Family (Intermediate), Horror (Intermediate), Improv (Advanced), Method (Intermediate), Musical (Intermediate), Romantic (Intermediate), Science Fiction (Advanced), Sports (Advanced), Suspense (Advanced) |
Athletic |
Extreme Sports |
SKATEBOARD STREET (Intermediate) |
General |
BASKETBALL (Advanced), BOWLING (Intermediate), BOXING (Beginner), FOOTBALL (Intermediate), HANDBALL (Intermediate), HIKING (Intermediate), JOGGING (Advanced), JUMP ROPE (Intermediate), MOUNTAIN CLIMBING (Intermediate), ROLLER SKATE (Intermediate), RUNNING (Advanced), TENNIS (Advanced), VOLLEYBALL (Beginner), WEIGHT LIFTER (Intermediate), WRESTLING (Intermediate) |
Track & Field |
LONG DISTANCE (Intermediate), MARATHON (Intermediate), RELAY (Intermediate), SPRINTER (Intermediate), TRACK, GENERAL (Intermediate) |
Fighting and Weapons |
General Weapons |
AUTOMATIC WEAPON (Beginner), HANDGUN (Beginner) |
Improvisation and Comedy |
Improvisation & Comedic Performance |
IMPROV, GENERAL (Advanced), LONG FORM (Advanced), SHORT FORM (Advanced), SKETCH (Advanced), STAND-UP COMEDY (Intermediate), UCB (Advanced) |
Languages and Accents/Dialects |
Accents/Dialects |
JAMAICAN (Intermediate) |
Other |
Miscellaneous |
DISC JOCKEY (Beginner), HOSTING (Advanced), TELEPROMPTER (Intermediate), VIDEO GAMES (Intermediate) |
Performance |
Singing |
R&B (Intermediate), RAP (Intermediate) |
Vocal Range |
BARITONE (Intermediate), BASS (Intermediate) |
Physical comedy , Great with children & animals, Athletic: Basketball, Track & Field, Volleyball, Tennis… , Stand up comedy, Expressionism, Improvisation, Poetry